Vivaldi Italian Cheeses

VIVALDI is born in 2009 from the thirty - year experience in the dairy sector of Nicola Arnoldi.

The art of Italian cheese

VIVALDI was founded in 2009 from the experience spanning over thirty years in the dairy and cheese sector of Nicola Arnoldi. Born and brought up in a family of cheese ripeners in Taleggio, a small village in the valley of the same name, Val Taleggio (Bergamo), he moved to Valsassina in 1989. For twenty years he was the sales director of a leading dairy firm here, considerably developing its presence on the export market.

Thanks to his extensive travel in Europe, America and Asia, Nicola realized the great extent to which foreign consumers know and appreciate Italian food and how their requirements are becoming increasingly demanding. This led to his decision to start a new commercial structure, VIVALDI, aimed at pairing the demands of the global market with the supply of Italian traditional cheese.

Vivaldi brand cheeses

VIVALDI identifies and selects the best Italian cheeses, guaranteeing fast deliveries and maximum quality in the service.


kg of cheese sales


export countries


cheeses marked DOP


years of experience

Italian cow's cheese

Pecorino Cheese

the best of quality

Buffalo cheese