VIVALDI was founded in 2009 from the experience spanning over thirty years in the dairy and cheese sector of Nicola Arnoldi. Born and brought up in a family of cheese ripeners in Taleggio, a small village in the valley of the same name, Val Taleggio (Bergamo), he moved to Valsassina in 1989. For twenty years he was the sales director of a leading dairy firm here, considerably developing its presence on the export market.
Thanks to his extensive travel in Europe, America and Asia, Nicola realized the great extent to which foreign consumers know and appreciate Italian food and how their requirements are becoming increasingly demanding. This led to his decision to start a new commercial structure, VIVALDI, aimed at pairing the demands of the global market with the supply of Italian traditional cheese.
Italy occupies a leading position in the world dairy and cheese sector; the excellence of its products is translated into a very wide variety of cheeses, 42 of which have obtained the recognition of Protected Designation of Origin from the European Community (PDO). In these cases, they are cheeses made, ripened and packaged in specific areas, according to clearly defined criteria and with specific characteristics that allow the consumer to recognize their authenticity; each one has a Consortium that ensures respect of the conditions and requisites laid down by the law. In the majority of cases, the cheeses are made in family-run dairies, thus linking their sale to the area of production. Thanks to VIVALDI, these producers can now reach new international markets.
In the past ten years, the value of Italian cheese exports has doubled, reaching record figures. Increasing numbers of foreign importers are interested in the wide range of Italian cheeses and their exceptional flavours and aromas. This is where VIVALDI comes in, identifying and selecting possible suppliers of Italian cheeses for importers and large foreign chains of distribution. It handles the orders directly, ensuring that the labelling and certifications required by the various legislations around the world are respected; it pays special attention to the shipment and delivery of the goods, guaranteeing rapid supplies and maximum quality in the service.
The United States of America are one of the major markets for italian agro-food products, both in terms of size, both compared to development potentials. The "Italian cuisine" in fact, enjoys high regard because it is healthy and tasty; appearance becomes particularly important since Michelle Obama has undertaken a real fight against obesity.In recent years the consumption of Italian cheeses has had a considerable increase, becoming the best sold between the imported cheese and overcoming French cheeses and New Zealand's cheeses.
There is a marked preference for soft cheeses like Taleggio PDO and for fresh cheeses like Mozzarella and Mascarpone, but continue to be very appreciated also the other italian big cheeses like Grana Padano PDO, Parmigiano Reggiano PDO, Gorgonzola PDO, Asiago PDO and Provolone Valpadana PDO.
Leading specialty food supplier in U.S.A. is "Gourmet Foods International" that with his warehouse locations in Florida, Georgia, Colorado and New Jersey it can service customers in all 50 States. Since 1967, the year in which Russel McCall driven by his love for the world's finest food, opened the first cheese and wine shop in Atlanta, the GFI's mission has always been to pursue excellence in the food sector, emphasizing the quality, craftmanship and freshness of the product and specializing in the import of cheese, wine and fine food. Presently, in his warehouse locations there are 7000 regular stock items coming around the world.
Taleggio PDO, Mozzarella di Bufala Campana PDO, Gorgonzola PDO, Parmigiano Reggiano PDO and Fontal are the Vivaldi brand products that reach american consumers through GFI's distribution channels and they promote the Italian dairy tradition abroad.